Myhrtoolkit pricing

Our pricing is based on a simple, monthly subscription based on the number of people on your system.

Start Free Trial
  • Access to all features
    You get access to all features and updates, with no costly bolt-ons. All you pay is a simple fee based on the number of people on your myhrtoolkit system.
  • Cancel any time
    We won’t tie you in with a long contract - we provide our HR software and services on a rolling monthly contract.
  • Support included
    We provide expert support 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday via our online ticketing system.
  • Premier setup service
    We'll help you get off to a flying start - our expert team can set up your new HR system for you, for a small additional fee. Our Premier Setup Service makes it much easier for you to get going quickly with the data you need.

People Monthly Price
0 - 5 £17.25
6 - 10 £29
11 - 20 £58
21 - 50 £110
51 - 100 £145
101 - 150 £215
151 - 200 £245
201 - 400 £310
401+ POA
  • All you pay is a monthly subscription based on the number of people you have on your system.
  • All prices shown on the table above are exclusive of VAT.
  • If the majority of your users don’t need access to the system, please call us on 0345 225 0414 for a quotation.
  • Registered charities get 25% discount on the pricing above.
  • For our Euro prices, see here.